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Community Involvement

Staying active within our community by giving back, educating, and supporting our neighbors in other important ways is an integral part of our practice! Keep up with all of the community involvement that we are part of right here!

Make-A-Wish® Involvement

As a practice dedicated to improving the lives of those around us, our involvement with the Make-A-Wish Foundation is such an important part of our fabric. We work closely with the foundation to fulfill our vision to grant children with life-threatening medical conditions in our community with life-changing experiences. We know that a wish granted for a child is much more than a single experience and that it improves their lives and those around them in so many special ways.

Click here to see the amazing and heart-warming wishes we've granted this year!

Educational School Visits, Health Fairs, Continuing Education Credits and Other Appearances

Providing oral health education to the students at our local schools helps promote great habits for happy and healthy smiles! We also aim to educate our community and referring dental offices as a whole. Here is a list of upcoming community educational visits and office events:

Dr. Grady and Mel continue to give lectures to general dentists, pediatricians, and ENTS!

We welcome groups (homeschooled children, Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts, etc.) to come in for field trips! We also welcome students who are considering a career in orthodontics to come in to job shadow.

If you would like GKG Orthodontics to visit your school for a dental presentation or a community/health event, please contact Mel at (742) 935-9222 or melherbinko@gmail.com.

Community Outreach

Dr. Matthew Gornick is an alumni and proud supporter of the Sarah Heinz House Boy's & Girl's Club. He loves to give back to the organization that had such a significant impact on his life.

The amazing people at the Sarah Heinz House sent us a lovely thank you note for our volunteer efforts, and we want to share it with you all!

"I wanted to reach out to you and tell you about the buzz you created amongst the parents and members down here. The Friday following the health fair I had the chance to talk to several parents of members who got to take part in the health fair. They couldn’t express how awesome they thought the program was just because their kids were coming home and running into the bathroom saying, 'I HAVE TO BRUSH MY TEETH.' The parents thanked me and Maggie for running a great program; however, I knew it wouldn’t have been a success without you! I just thought it was funny that parents were so happy that their kids were brushing their teeth without being asked before bed and that was the story parents were telling me! I wanted to share that with you because I know you would appreciate it! Thanks for all your hard work and the staff that came down to help! They were all fantastic!"

To learn more about the incredible work the Sarah Heinz House is doing, we encourage you to visit their website at http://www.sarahheinzhouse.org/about/.